Season Passes

Season Passes

Season Pass Options for Ski Season 2024-2025

Limited or unlimited, pass options to suit every skier and snowboarder

Enjoy skiing and snowboarding near Ottawa this winter with a season pass at Camp Fortune. Let us welcome you with excellent ski conditions all season long. Camp Fortune is the closest of the Ottawa ski hills so you will put more mileage on your pass than on your car.

Our ski season usually starts in late November or early December and lasts to early April or as snow and weather conditions permit. Night skiing season is from late December to mid March.


We are committed to offering a complete ski season, generally opening in December and closing in April. As the season is dependent on weather, length of season and dates of operation are subject to change without notice. Unlimited passes are valid anytime we are open.

Limited passes offer a limited season. Please see the dates and terms and conditions for each pass category and select the pass that is valid when you want to ski.

Express Card Holders

If you are a current express card holder, you can reload your RFID card online. Renewing pass holders  will save 5% off the current price when renewing ONLINE ONLY. The discount is calculated to appear in the total you see in your reload. 

New Season Pass Holders

If you are a new season pass holder, you can order your season pass online. We look forward to welcoming you to our Fortune Family! A $5 card fee will be added to the price of the pass in the online store and at the ticket counter. Keep this card to reload with future passes. 

2024/25 Limited Passes

Use Reload and save an additional 5% on your season pass purchase!

Until May 31
Until Sept 30
Reg. Price
Buy Online
Buy Online
Almost Anytime
Buy Online
Snow School 9 week Program Parent Pass
$339.00* Add on option when purchasing lessons and does not appear as an option in the season pass store.
Reg. Price
Buy Online
Buy Online
Almost Anytime
Buy Online
Snow School 9 week Program Parent Pass
$339.00* Add on option when purchasing lessons and does not appear as an option in the season pass store.

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes.

2024/25 Unlimited Passes

Use Reload and save an additional 5% on your season pass purchase!

Until May 31
Until Sept 30
Reg. Price
Buy Online
Student 13-24
Buy Online
Kid 7-12
Buy Online
Child 6 under
Buy Online
Young at Heart 70-79
Buy Online
Senior 80+
Buy Online
Family Pass 10% Off

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes.

All season passes are loaded on a reusable RFID card known as an Express Card which must be purchased for $5. Once you have your card please keep it as it can be reloaded year after year.

Limited Pass Details

Only skiing weekdays or nights? Take advantage of our value passes. See full details below.

Camp Fortune Weekdays

(Monday to Friday DAYS 9 am to 4 pm)

Blackout dates on weekday passes: weekday passes are not valid on Dec 27th and 30th. Aside from the blackout dates, this pass is valid every WEEKDAY we are open.


Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 

Camp Fortune Nights

(Monday to Saturday NIGHTS from 3 pm to 9 pm & Sunday EVENINGS from 3 pm to 7 pm)

Night passes are valid Monday to Saturday Nights from 3 pm to 9 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm on Sundays. Night skiing is scheduled to begin on Dec 27th and runs until March 16th. There are no blackout nights. Please note the ski hill closes at 4 pm on Dec 31st and Jan 1st. All dates are subject to change. At the end of night skiing, your pass continues to be valid after 3 pm on days we are open.


Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 

Almost Anytime

Best Value! Weekdays, nights and bonus dates.

Our best value pass. Valid Anytime up to and including December 24th after March 2nd.  From December 31st to March 2nd, ski or snowboard Monday to Friday, 9 am to 9 pm, Saturdays 3 pm to 9 pm and Sundays from 3 pm to 7 pm. Excellent value for flexible schedules. 

Limitations on Almost Anytime passes:
Blackout dates are from 9 am to 3 pm on December 27-30. On these dates, your pass is valid from 3 pm to 9 pm.

Night skiing begins on Dec 27th and runs until March 16th. Please note the ski hill closes at 4 pm on Dec 31st and Jan 1st.


Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 

Snow School 9 week Program Parent Pass

Back by Popular Demand!

The Saturday Parent Pass OR Sunday Parent Pass (select one) is a value pass for parents of 9 week lesson participants. It is valid for the 9 days of the program + 2 bonus days (Saturday OR Sunday) following the end of the 9 week lesson program. Please select the same day as your child’s lesson. This pass is non-transferable. Each parent may buy a Parent Pass. This pass is only available for parents of active lesson participants. The 2 bonus days are the 2 Saturdays or Sundays (based on purchase) following the end of the lesson program.

The pass is purchased as an add on option when purchasing lessons. Please purchase at time of lesson registration. It does not appear as an option in the season pass store.


*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 

Unlimited Pass Details

Adult Pass

Age 25-69


Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 


Age 13-24


Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 


Age 7-12


Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 


Age 6 and Under


Until Sept. 30th
$80* Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 

Young at Heart

Age 70-79


Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 


Age 80+


Regular Price

*Plus applicable taxes. A $5 card fee applies to all passes. 

Family Pass**

(minimum 3 pers, 2 of whom must be adults)

For 2024-2025 we are offering “build your family passes.” Your family must include 2 adults then you can add kids and students as needed. The prices you see in the family passes pricing on the online store include a 10% family pass discount. 

10% off

*Plus applicable taxes. $5 card fee applies to all new passes. 
**FAMILY PASS HOLDERS: For 2024-2025 we are offering “build your family passes.” Once you add 2 adults to your cart, continue to add the required number of kids and students.
Family Pass: must be at least 3 persons of the same family living at the same address with a maximum of 2 adults (ages 25-69)  and minimum of 1. Student card is required for students. Proof of address will be requested.

Make the most of the ski season. Valid all season long with no blackout dates or restrictions. ​

Please read carefully

Conditions of purchase & Liability Release

2024-2025 Ski & Snowboard Season


Click here for: Season passholder perks and benefits

The person(s) named on this application assume(s) all risk of personal injury and loss or damage to property. ALL PASSES ARE ISSUED TO A PERSON AND ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. PASS PRIVILEGES WILL BE REVOKED WITHOUT REFUND OR CREDIT IF THE PASS IS USED BY A PERSON OTHER THAN THE REGISTERED PASSHOLDER. A Camp Fortune season pass holder is obligated at all times to respect the Alpine Skier / Snowboarding Code of Conduct of Quebec (L.R.Q., S-3,1), as well as all the rules and regulations imposed on the use by Camp Fortune management. A $50 admin fee will be charged for any name changes, transfers before the Jan 2 deadline, or medical credits before the deadline. Requests to transfer an unused pass to a different person will be honored before Jan 2.  SEASON PASSES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE but a season pass credit can be issued for the following season with a medical letter from a doctor provided before January 10. Limited season passes including Weekday, Night, and Almost Anytime are not eligible for credits once the season starts.

2023-2024 Season passholders who reload their season pass online will receive a discount of 5% off the current price. The discount will not be applied to past purchases or purchases in person.

Your season pass is loaded onto an Express Card. If you do not yet have an Express card, you will have the occasion to purchase one for $5 along with your season pass. Express cards can be reloaded year after year so we recommend keeping it in a safe place.

If you reloaded a season pass onto your Express card online, it will automatically be valid for the upcoming season; no need to come to customer service to pick up a new card or have it activated.

New passholders: You may pick up your season pass during office hours after this date or on your first ski visit.

Camp Fortune reserves the right to change ski season hours and rates without notice.

Weekday pass: valid Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. Weekday blackout dates: not valid on Dec. 27th and 30th.

Night Pass: valid Monday to Saturday from 3 pm to 9 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm on Sunday nights. (Night skiing usually begins around Dec 27th and runs until March 16th. Schedule  is subject to change). There are no blackout dates for night skiing. Please note the ski hill closes at 4 pm on Dec 31st and Jan 1st. *At the end of night skiing, your pass continues to be valid after 3 pm on days we are open. 

Almost Anytime passes are valid weekdays and nights as well as these bonus dates: Valid anytime before Dec. 25th and after March 2nd. Blackout dates: 27th & 30 th. During these dates you may only use this pass after 3pm on nights when we have night skiing. Night skiing usually begins on Dec 27th and runs until March 16th, schedules are subject to change. Please note the ski hill closes at 4 pm on Dec 31st and Jan 1st.

Age on December 31st. Identity card required for proof of age.

Family Pass: must be at least 3 persons of the same family living at the same address with a maximum of 2 adults (ages 25-69)  and minimum of 1 child. Student card is required for students. Proof of address will be requested. 



Code adopted under the Respecting Safety in Sports Act. This Code applies to all persons practicing snow sports.

  • Remain in control of your speed and direction. Make sure you can stop and avoid any person or obstacle.
  • Yield the right of way to persons downhill and choose a course that ensures their safety.
  • Stop on a trail only if you are visible from above and if you are not obstructing the trail.
  • Yield the right of way to persons uphill when entering a trail and at intersections.
  • If you are involved in or witness an accident, remain at the scene and identify yourself to a first-aider.
  • Use and wear a proper device to prevent runaway equipment at all times.
  • Keep out of the lifts and trails if your ability is impaired through use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Obey all signs and warnings and never venture off the trails or onto a closed trail.

There are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the slopes, always show courtesy to others. Observe the code listed above and share with others the responsibility for a great outdoor experience. You must obey all other rules and signs pertaining to any particular activity as marked out by the resort.

Smoking and vaping is only permitted in designated areas. Camp Fortune is a cannabis free resort.

Know the code. Be safety conscious. It is your responsibility!

The Ticket Holder and Pass Holder recognizes, accepts and assumes the inherent risks of snow sliding sports such as skiing and snowboarding. The Ticket Holder assumes all risks of personal injury or any material damage resulting from the said risks. Among others, the following lists the elements considered inherent risks to the normal practice of a snow sliding sport:

  • Changing climatic conditions;
  • Changes in the steepness of the slope;
  • The presence of natural obstacles and any other natural features, such as ditches, crevices and brooks, rocks, earth, uncovered spots, trees, trees regrowth, natural bushes and stumps, etc;
  • Ice and ice patches;
  • Any change to surface condition;
  • Collisions with skiers or other persons;
  • The presence of pylons, poles and any other structures used in the operation of the ski area and collisions with these elements;
  • The use of ski lifts;
  • The presence on the slopes of grooming equipment, emergency vehicles and snowmaking equipment.

The contract in virtue of which the present lift ticket was issued is subject to the laws in force in Quebec. The holder of the present lift ticket, as well as the issuer of said ticket, agree to elect domicile in the judicial district of Gatineau, province of Quebec and declare that same is the appropriate forum for any and all claims, of whatever nature, arising from the contract in virtue of which the present ticket was issued.


The personal and recreational use of drones is strictly prohibited on all Camp Fortune property. The use of drones for commercial purposes could be exceptionally authorized following a written request and authorization from Camp Fortune and the NCC. Compliance with the safety conditions and laws must also be respected. Violation of this policy will result with an expulsion from the site.

Here are some helpful tips to reload a family pass:

Enter 1st ADULT WTP number into Reload

Click Continue

Select "Family Season Reload" then add to cart.

Add the first adult pass, proceed to the 'Add to Cart' button below.

Click the 'Add to Cart' button. You will be presented with a popup to 'Reload' or 'Checkout'. See the next slide.

Select Reload again.

Enter next WTP and repeat the add to cart process for 2nd adult and children. Repeat with Reload until all of your family mix is added to the cart, and then Proceed to Checkout.

*The discount appears in the posted prices on the online store. You will not see the discount deducted in the cart.
**The additional reload discount is available exclusively online.